U need:Home made fresh paneer( cottage cheese): 2 cups
Sugar: 400gms
suji: 1 tsp
water: 3 and 1/2 cups
rosewater: 2 tsp
1.To make spongy rosogolla ensure there is not a trace of water in the paneer.
2. in a bowl add the paneer,suji and with the palm of your hand knead the paneer well gently.The kneading should continue till there are no lumps and the panner is super smooth.
3. In a pan add the sugar and water and let the sugar melt to make a thin syrup. If the sugar is slightly sticky between your forefinger and thumb then it is thin syrup.Make small marble sized balls from the paneer dough.
4.Gently drop these paneer balls into the sugar syrup.Cover the vessal and simmer.(8 mins)
5.Remove lid and add 2 tablspoon of hot water.This will allow the rosogollas to become soft and spongy.Simmer further.(8 to 10 mins)
6.Add another 2 tsblspoon of hot water. Simmer( 6 mins)Repeat this hot water process for another one time.
The rosogollas will now puff up and float on the top.Simmer( 5 mins)
7.Take a bigger vessel.Transfer the rosogolla along with the sugar syrup into it.Add 2 tablsp of cold water and rosewater.Cover and set aside. cool
8.Now serve the rosogollas to your near and dear ones.
Note: 1. the paneer should be home made.as readymade ones may not give the silky softness of authentic rosogollas. You can get 2 cups+ paneer from 2 litres of milk.If excess paneer is there you can use it later to make sondesh or any side dish.
2. Since rosogollas swell as they simmer in sugar syrup,make small balls.
3.Sugar can be adjusted to taste.
Bon Appetite!!!!!!!!!!!