Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Chocolate Melting moments

Try these simple and easy to bake at home cookies

250 gms unsalted butter (soft)
250 gms plain flour (sifted)
60 gms of icing sugar
60 gms of corn flour (sifted)
1 tsp vanilla essence
Baking tray lined with parchment paper

For the chocolate coating
few slabs of dark cooking chocolate
2 tbsp of icing sugar


1. Take a large clean bowl and mix butter with icing sugar. Beat it till it mixes well and fluffy. Add vanilla essence and mix for few minutes (You can use an electrical beater if you want)
2. Add flour little by little and mix well. Then add the cornflour till you get a nice smooth buttery dough consistency
3. Take the baking tray lined with parchment paper. Make small flat balls and place them on the tray. You can take a fork and press on them to give them a design. Alternatively, you can use an piping bag, fill it with the dough and pipe designs on the baking tray, this will create cute designer cookies :)
4. Place them in the fridge for 10 minutes and pre heat oven at 180 deg C
5. Bake the cookies for roughly 15 minutes or till golden brown
6. Meanwhile, melt chocolate and whisk it with icing sugar
7. Once cookies have cooled down, dip one side into the chocolate or just take a spoon and spread the chocolate mixture
8. After 10 minutes the chocolate would have set it well and cookies are ready to be eaten

Tips - You can create any spread for the cookies. Maybe even fill chocolate / strawberry cream between two cookies and sandwich them.

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